Field Sets: Candidate

Field Set


Agency Submission

Candidate details entered when submitted by an agency for a vacancy.

Apply My Details

Fields displayed in the Candidate Portal My Details page for a registered candidate to change their personal details.

Apply Registration

Fields to be completed by a candidate when first registering.

Apply Registration Info

Fields to be completed by a candidate on the Candidate Portal, Additional Information page.

The Additional Information page must be switched on in the Candidate Portal configuration page.

Apply Registration Info 2

Fields in the second section of the extra registration information page.

Apply Registration Info 3

Fields in the third section of the extra registration information page.

Candidate Details Bottom

Additional details fields displayed in a separate Additional Details section towards the bottom of the Candidate page:

Candidate Details Top

Additional fields displayed in the Additional Details section at the bottom of the Candidate panel:

Candidate Edit

Additional fields displayed in an Additional Details section at the bottom of the Candidate Details Edit page.

Contact Information

Fields displayed in the Contact Information section of the Candidate Details Edit page.

Current Position

Fields displayed in the Current Position section of the Candidate Details Edit page.


Fields displayed in the Information section of the Candidate Details Edit page.

Initial Details

Fields displayed in the Initial Details section of the Candidate Details Edit page.